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T Turns It Up
T Turns It Up (7" + MP3 download code)
Cat: HR 020. Rel: 15 Oct 24
Hip Hop/R&B
Altered Tapes - "T Turns It Up" (Right On Brother remix) (4:11)
Platurn X Marvin - "PP Lays It Cool" (take A Rest mix) (4:03)
Review: Altered Tapes and DJ Platurn have teamed up for the next instalment in the Heat Rock series, taking on one of Marvin Gaye's most iconic soundtracks. It's already staple, but Side A sees Altered Tapes flipping the original into an even more break-heavy version, turning up the intensity with relentless drums and a sharp, percussive edge. The result is something that'll keep people on their toes, bringing an unmistakable punch to Marvin's already rhythm-driven classic. Meanwhile, Platurn's Side B remix stays a bit closer to the original, offering an extended version that's stemmed out for maximum DJ control. It's a more faithful reworking but still comes with extra flavourimore bounce, more groove, and more of the kind of energy you'd wish the original had packed. Perfect for DJs looking to keep the crowd moving, it's the sort of version you can build a set around, each element carefully considered to bring out the best in Marvin's timeless sound. Whether you're after a break-heavy flip or a DJ-friendly rework, this release has you covered.
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 in stock $13.96
UNITY (remixes)
UNITY (remixes) (7" + MP3 download code)
Cat: HR 006. Rel: 25 Sep 20
Hip Hop/R&B
UNITY (To Infinity remix) (3:54)
UNITY (To Infinity remix instrumental) (3:56)
Review: It's almost 30 years since Queen Latifah's 'U.N.I.T.Y.' as part of her Grammy Award-winning album Black Reign but it still gets the plaudits it always has. Heat Rock Records now revisits it for a sixth entry into their catalogue. Chicago's Altered Tapes is the man stepping up to remix and he serves up a big, hard hitting breakbeat version laden with sax lines and crisp drumming. An instrumental version on the reverse is more designed for the dance floor and is perfect for all the scratching and juggling needs of any hard working turntablist.
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Intérprete: Osmose, I Love Hip Hop
 in stock $14.46
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